Submit Project!

The funding application process includes 2 stages as follows:

Stage 1:

Please complete the data in the form and send us a letter of intent that includes the most concise information about the project you want to initiate. This must include the following details:

  • Introduction
  • Purpose of the project
  • The motivation of the project implementation
  • Necessary resources
  • Objectives
  • Detailed activities
  • Forecasts
  • Detailed Budget
  • General presentation of the project
  • The reason and importance of its implementation
  • Start and end date
  • Its total cost (estimate)

You will receive a response within 10 working days from the date of sending the document.

Stage 2:

If you received a positive response regarding your project, we will ask you to send a file within 10 days of receiving the response.

The criteria used for project eligibility will be: 

  • Is there enough potential to create the project? Who is the target audience?
  • From a market research point of view, is it the right time to launch this project?
  • Does the applicant have sufficient intellectual property rights to submit the project?
  • Is there potential to scale the project in the long term and help the foundation grow? Is the budget realistic enough to complete the project?
  • Can the project have a beneficial impact on society and if so, what is it and which category will it benefit?
  • If there are several similar submitted projects, what are the differentiators of this project?
  • If the impact is estimated for a certain market category, what will be the marketing strategy? is it feasible and sustainable enough?
  • Is there a business plan and budget attached to the project? How realistic is it?
  • Are there third parties involved in the project? If so, how were they convinced and how will they be motivated?
  • Does the team have the capacity and motivation to implement the project? Is there a plan to acquire the critical skills that are currently lacking?
  • Is there a clear implementation plan with defined milestones, work packages and list of deliverables, along with resources and a realistic timeline?
  • Have the main risks been identified, together with the measures to be taken to mitigate them?

After sending the requested file, you will receive a response within 15 working days with the probability that, if more details are needed, you will be contacted during this period.

The Mircea and Dan Cantacuzino Romanian Memorial Foundation carries out a social activity in order to support the memory of Mircea and Dan Cantacuzino by promoting projects and granting donations to institutions and individuals who will initiate programs and projects dedicated to the protection of Romanian culture, in particular, but not limited to in the fields of medicine and aviation in Romania, for the benefit of Romanians and foreign citizens alike.

Individuals or legal entities interested in carrying out projects in the field of aviation and medicine, or in any other cultural field, can apply following two stages, highlighted below.

The maximum amount of funding offered for a project is 20,000 euros.

Not all projects will be able to be financed, which is why we reserve the right to study each project separately, and if we consider that it does not fall within the terms mentioned above, we will not grant the financing for which you have applied.

Complete the details below to apply.

All fields are required. Please provide accurate and real data. Otherwise, your application will not be considered.

Dr. Travels   |  fahr(T)raum  |  Școala De Aviație „Mircea Cantacuzino”

Fundatia Memoriala Romana Mircea si Dan Cantacuzino © 2023. All Rights Reserved
